Samstag, 21 Juli 2018 17:04

Why are we traveling by bicycle?!

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The initial reason why we took our first bicycle touring trip ever was financial reasons. Back in 2013 we wanted to travel to Ireland but as a pricy country it is, we could not afford renting a car and just relying on public transport did not sound like a fun thing to do. That was when we decided to slap a rack on our mountain bikes, borrow some panniers from our parents and just try out cycling. We did not really know what we got ourselves into but with only two weeks, we did not take a big risk there. In the end we loved the experience and we were hooked on this way of traveling. The financial aspect of traveling by bike is still a strong one as you do not spend money on petrol or bus tickets and carrying a tent also allows to cut down on cost for accommodation. 


The main reason now is that cycling seems to be a great speed to both cover a distance while still being able to see what is going on around you. Sitting in a car or bus, the world just whizzes past you and all the glass and metal around shield you from what is out there. On a bike you are able to perceive your environment on all levels: you can enjoy the landscape, you smell everything, are exposed to all sounds and the the weather and climate also make a big difference for the experience. 


The relative slowness makes you appreciate the little things more. We might take a break in a spot with a nice view as we might only get one of those a day; whereas in a car, you do not stop at every single nice view as you get many of them per day, making this single one feel less special.


The possibility of interaction with you environment is another positive aspect of cycling. A lot of people greet us, ask us how we are doing, empower us by cheering us on or sometimes we even get invited for a snack, break or even a place to stay the night. All those encounters would be much more unlikely to happen when you are surrounded by metal and glass. 


Furthermore, I cannot stand driving long distances in a car as it is boring and tiring, but on the bike I never had an issue with those. The time we spend sitting on a bike is almost meditative and it creates time to think about something in a very focussed way or you might just let your thoughts wander off.  The physical activity will keep your mind sharp and active, making time spent cycling both enjoyable and productive. It is also a great time to reflect on anything that is going on, be it a conversation or encounter we just had, an inspiring video I watched or just life in general. The lack of disturbance allows some great thinking to happen on the road!


Lastly, all the exercise we get while being on the road makes us feel amazing at night and dinner taste even better, knowing you worked hard for it. Both of us have never been as fit and in shape as we are now, which is also a nice benefit.



This is my first essay, which I publish on our blog here. Some more will be coming and I am very keen on getting honest feedback for my writing. Hopefully this does create some value for you and if so, I would love to hear about it.


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